How to upgrade Window 7 Beta to RC/Retail [rTM] [Updated]

. Monday, April 13, 2009

Here’s another fine example how Microsoft hates early software adapters – in order to upgrade to final retail version of newest operating system Windows 7 from it’s beta - MS suggests to downgrade to Windows Vista before upgrade ?! BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Luckily for us they also give us geeks (aka IT experts) there is a way around operating system check during installation and here is the steps according to Microsoft, one will have to perform in order to bypass the OS verification.

Here’s what you can do to bypass the check for pre-release upgrade IF YOU REALLY REALLY NEED TO:

  1. Download the ISO as you did previously and burn the ISO to a DVD.
  2. Copy the whole image to a storage location you wish to run the upgrade from (a bootable flash drive or a directory on any partition on the machine running the pre-release build).
  3. Browse to the sources directory.
  4. Open the file cversion.ini in a text editor like Notepad.
  5. Modify the MinClient build number to a value lower than the down-level build. For example, change 7100 to 7000 (pictured below).
  6. Save the file in place with the same name.
  • Run setup like you would normally from this modified copy of the image and the version check will be bypassed.

    These same steps will be required as we transition from the RC milestone to the RTM milestone.

    Again, we know many people (including tens of thousands at Microsoft) are relying on the pre-release builds of Windows 7 for mission critical and daily work, making this step less than convenient. We’re working hard to provide the highest quality release we can and so we’d like to make sure for this final phase of testing we’re supporting the most real world scenarios possible, which incremental build to build upgrades are not. At the same time everyone on the beta has been so great we wanted to make sure we at least offered an opportunity to make your own expert and informed choice about how to handle the upgrade.

    We’re always humbled by the excitement around the releases and by the support and enthusiasm from those that choose to run our pre-releases. We’re incredibly appreciative of the time and effort you put into doing so. In return we hope we are providing you with a great release to work with at each stage of the evolution of the product. Our next stop is the RC…see you there!


    –Windows 7 Team

  • I ‘m going to try the procedure myself once the Windows 7 Release Candidate is out to see how it works.

    I followed my own advice and updated my and my boss’s work pcs from Beta 7000 to RC 7100 without ANY issues. So workaround works. Confirmed.